Our Approach 


At Spark the Journey, we believe that a community of personal and professional support can empower a young adult to achieve success. In the absence of equitable access to critical support and networks, we exist to fill the gap. 

Whether it be higher education, direct career entry, or personal goals, every young person deserves the same resources and opportunity to lead a life of their own choosing. But lack of opportunity and income inequality mean that many of these pathways are out of reach for young people of color, creating an opportunity gap that schools cannot singlehandedly fill. At Spark the Journey, we know that reaching these students and increasing access to opportunity and the right resources does make a difference. 

I registered for Spark’s mentorship program seeking guidance to assist my transition from high school to college. When I met James, I was unsure what to expect, but from the beginning, I noticed how heavily invested he was in my future. He shared his ambitions and goals with me to let me know I am not the only one striving to be better and that he is in it with me. From that moment on, I found a piece of myself that wanted to dig deeper into how far I could push my limits.”

-Kerry Burns

How our program works: 

  • We match our program participants with a dedicated mentor. Each mentee and mentor pair is supported by a Spark the Journey team member who serves as a resource and support system to help ensure they are cultivating meaningful relationships and developing the skills they need to thrive in school or in their career.
  • For Spark the Journey program participants seeking a college education, they are provided with wrap-around services and programs such as free SAT classes and subject-specific tutoring, individualized college advising, application assistance, case management, scholarships, FAFSA application assistance, resume revision, professional networking, internship and externship experiences, career exploration days, and direct financial support.
  • For Spark the Journey program participants seeking an alternate path to career success, we provide case management, resume revision, professional networking, internship and externship experiences, career exploration days, and direct financial support.
  • From the start of their relationship with Spark the Journey, young adults are supported with proactive case management and taught self-advocacy through building skills and confidence. After 4 years, Spark the Journey students are supported through reactive case management for two additional years as students take ownership of their future career goals and are empowered to use the skills they gain to tap into the Spark network.

Our program model and mentors are focused on empowering students who lack the support they need by guiding them through the challenges they face and providing a space so that they can explore possibility with an open mind—and grow into young adults, active leaders, and engaged citizens within their communities.