Diamond is a Volunteer Engagement Coordinator at CPE where she helps with volunteer recruitment, retention, and recognition. Learn more about Diamond in the interview below:
What college did you attend?
I attended Rosemont College in Pennsylvania.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I would love to learn how to ride a motorcycle!
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I love spending time with my friends and family, shopping, writing poetry, attending concerts, and traveling.
If you could meet anyone, who would it be?
Beyoncé, most definitely Beyoncé!
What three traits define you?
Creative, passionate, and intelligent
What’s the most rewarding aspect about volunteer engagement?
The most rewarding aspect of my role is overseeing the mentor pipeline. It’s a fulfilling experience to recruit prospective mentors and see the willingness of our mentors to provide their life experiences and offer support to help our students achieve their dreams – that’s priceless!
What is your favorite part about working for CPE?
My favorite part about working for CPE is its Community. Seeing my colleagues offer career and college support to students, offer case management tips to mentee-mentor pairs, working creatively as a staff, and showing up daily to carry out CPE’s mission. Our mentors find value in mentorship, offering their life experiences, and career expertise to mentor the next generation of engineers, lawyers, doctors, scientists, and leaders. Our community partners believe in CPE’s mission and help support us in ways that offer mentorship, SAT Prep, textbooks, groceries, and so much more resources to our students. It’s a privilege to see so many different people working towards a common goal to ensure low-income students from Washington, D.C. complete high school, graduate from college, and achieve upward economic mobility.